
RMA 2023-09-08

RMA center

Where can I send my KIWI310 for repair and how long will it take?

H Hannah

1 91 View

Software 2023-09-08

Bundle packages

Do KIWIBoards includes any pre-installed software or bundled packages for developing my application?

H Hannah

1 91 View

KIWI 1.8" 2023-07-20

Assembly KIWI310

Is there a manual that describes how to assemble my KIWI310?

D Daria

3 91 View

OS & Drivers 2023-09-08

Operating system support

Which operating system and versions does KIWI310 support?

Y Yurku

1 87 View

GPIO 2023-09-08

Max current GPIO output

What is the maximun current from the GPIO pins in the KIWI310?

D Debbie

1 85 View

Accessories 2023-09-08

Power adapter

Is the power adapter included in the KIWI310 box? or what is the part number for ordering?

H Hannah

1 79 View

GPIO 2023-09-08

Sample code for GPIO

Where can I find the sample code for the GPIO?

G Greg

1 72 View

Firmware 2023-09-08

Restore BIOS Settings

How to restore BIOS optimal defaults?


1 69 View

Accessories 2023-09-08

Cooling solutions

What are the cooling solutions or recommendations to keep the KIWI310 running optimally?


1 67 View

GPIO 2023-09-08

GPIO max voltage

Are the GPIO pins from the KIWIBoard only 3V tolerant?🎯

G Greg

1 64 View

KIWI 1.8" 2023-09-08

KIWI310 Net weight

What is the weight of the KIWI310 without heatsink?

S Sarah

1 62 View

KIWI 1.8" 2023-09-08

Key features and specifications of KIWI310

What are the key features and specification of the KIWI310?

E Emi

1 55 View

General 2023-07-20

CPU support

Which CPU can the KIWI310 support?

D Daria

1 53 View

Devices 2023-09-08

External storage or RAM

Can I attach external storage devices or additional RAM to my KIWIBoard?

A Artis

1 50 View

GPIO 2023-09-08

Isolation in GPIO inputs

Does the KIWIBoards have isolation circuit in the GPIO inputs?

E Emi

1 48 View